martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

Preparing for an interview. Part II

Possible Question  & Model Answer

1. Why do you want this post?
This institution is one of the leading hospitals in the country in this field
and I would like to be given this post because it offers an opportunity to get the best possible training in the field and because there is also a high degree of practical exposure with this post.

2. What are the qualities of a good doctor?
Good doctors are people who can think on their feet. They are good team leaders as well as being good team players. Good doctors are always up to date on all medical literature and show good medical knowledge. They know how to listen to patients and
other members of staff. They know how to plan ahead and are great time managers, never wasting time on useless procedures. A good doctor will know when the time has come to ask for help and will not let pride get in the way of helping a patient.

3. What do you expect from this post?
I expect this post to help me advance toward my goal to becoming an
excellent doctor. I expect this post to offer me the possibility to not only learn but to put into practice what I have been taught in my time here.

4. Tell us your good and bad points.
There is no real answer to this one as it depends largely on what you consider to be your good points and bad points. Make sure your “bad points” are not too bad and can be construed as good points. eg. Taking work home with me, etc.

5. What are your short/ medium/long term career goals?
My professional goals are to gain new skills and experience so that I
can be promoted to the next level in my career as a doctor.

There will always be one question which comes from the information that you supplied on your C.V. so make sure that what you say on your C.V. is the truth or that you can at least speak confidently about things which you are supposed to know about. Nothing would be worse than writing that you spent your summer holidays bird-watching in the
Himalayas and for one of the interviewers to be a avid bird watcher himself,
leaving you to admit you don’t have any idea about birds at all......... You may also be given one or two clinical scenarios and asked to explain what you would do in each case.

Scenario 1:
A colleague comes into the operating theatre prepared to operate
smelling of alcohol after a very heavy night out and possibly
having taken drugs. How do you face up to this situation?
Because the patient’s safety is paramount, the fi rst thing I would do would be
to speak to the doctor in question. Then, I would warn the Clinical Director of the
situation so a solution could be found. I would look into the possibility of rehabilitation
for the doctor as it is a very serious situation which cannot happen in a hospital.
Patients’ well-being and even their lives are at stake.

Scenario 2:
You are an I.C.U. medical resident and you are awoken while
on duty to be told that one of the patients was unwell. How will
you deal with this situation?
Firstly, I would ensure that there is a safe environment for myself and my colleagues
to work in. Then, I would start by assessing the situation using the A (Airway), B
(Breathing), C(Circulation), D(Disability) and E(Exposure) procedure so I would not
miss anything. I would seek help from a senior doctor if required. Above all, I would
remain calm, lead the team in a professional way and apply the qualities of a good doctor.

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